Letter From Michiana: Not Wrigley Field
This year 70 teams, with names like Son of a Pitch, Speedy’s Chickenheads and the Ambassadors of Plastic took part.
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This year 70 teams, with names like Son of a Pitch, Speedy’s Chickenheads and the Ambassadors of Plastic took part.
Continue Reading »Instead of helping towns like Long Beach explain to property owners what the Supreme Court ruling means regarding their property or, for that matter, even fully informing themselves and their staff members about the state’s history and law, let alone enforcing that law, the DNR has buried its head in the sand.
Continue Reading »This week, the DNR will hold public hearings in Michigan City regarding the plowing of dunes and other construction impinging on public trust land and potentially violating the Federal Clean Water Act. It will be interesting to see who shows up.
Continue Reading »We’re fortunate at our end of the beach. We still have foredunes, the deep banks of marram grass-covered sand that serve as a buffer between the beach, where the lake level has reached a record-setting height, and peoples’ lakefront homes.
Continue Reading »As I weed, I am reminded again about the extent to which nature has become a design proposition, dependent on human agency and, I hope, humility. For, when it comes to invasive species, we are the most invasive of them all.
Continue Reading »Microplastics, the unnervingly sturdy specks left behind by our packaging, are circulating through the food chain. They are, in other words, inside of us — second nature indeed.
Continue Reading »(I) watched the surreal spectacle of cows being milked by machines as the creatures rotated on a stainless steel lazy susan the size of a flying saucer.
Continue Reading »Music like this was meant to be experienced in tight spaces, up close, where the energy is immediate and unconditional.
Continue Reading »The first time I moved to Michiana — to Michigan City, Indiana — it was 1980. Everything about that move was counter-intuitive… I was moving from northern California…a state filled with Midwestern exiles.
Continue Reading »Hoosiers like to say that Indiana waits. Waits, that is, for other states to make changes and adopt new-fangled ideas so that we don’t have to. This attitude is promoted by many of our reigning elected officials, who like thinking of Indiana as the cracker barrel philosopher of states, the winking codger who spits and […]
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