Letter From Michiana: The failure of IDEM and the EPA
Why is it no one seems to care about the poisons being routinely dumped into Lake Michigan?
Continue Reading »Why is it no one seems to care about the poisons being routinely dumped into Lake Michigan?
Continue Reading »George is a longtime folksinger and storyteller and so it makes sense he decided to create a venue where those art forms might find a port of call.
Continue Reading »The problem isn’t how many miles we get to the gallon, or whether recycling really works. The problem has always been about freedom.
Continue Reading »I’m sure there are healers — people with a certain gift, an ability to not simply hold what ails you at bay, but make it better — everywhere. It’s just that I’ve never met one until we moved to Michiana.
Continue Reading »After having their drinking water threatened yet again, they must have their doubts. Do they have more in common with Yellowstone, or Flint?
Continue Reading »As if embarrassed by its lackadaisical performance, Summer managed a high note on its final day.
Continue Reading »The decided otherness of the Imagists’ defiant Midwestern aesthetic has always been a great honking aspect of their art.
Continue Reading »A blast furnace closed water loop at steelmaker ArcelorMittal failed, spilling dangerous levels of cyanide and ammonium-nitrate into the Little Calumet River, which then made its way toward Lake Michigan.
Continue Reading »In this setting, among these performers, you are reminded of how art, at its most essential, reveals human nature, that part of us as original and indispensable as an oak tree, a cloud or a fresh water sea.
Continue Reading »It’s August, time for things to get a little squirrely.
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